Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Every week I'm going to try to read about another religion, and write about the things that I love about it...
There is a lot to love about the Hindu way, a lot of things I love in my own life are Hindu common practice...
The Om is Hindu, I love the sound and shape of the Om, I even have one tattooed on my arm... The best thing about the Om is that when you do it, nothing else gets in!
Goddess and God worship... I enjoy deities so much... Knowing who to go to for your needs is special to me... And the temples built in honour of the deities are amazing...
Karma and Samsara... I love by the idea of karma, and the entwined samsara to your karma over lives is beautiful... I like it because it is as good of a reason as any to live the best life you can... I don't like the Christian idea of praying for forgiveness, I like the idea of not having to do that...
Yoga and meditation, these are two amazing ways to connect to your higher self... I wish these could be a part of every religion, only good come from them...
Shrines, I have always found shrines and altars to be beautiful... Hindu shrines are said to capture the 5 senses so they are always a sight to behold...
Diwali, the 5 day Festival of Lights... I have always had an interest in Lakshmi, and the cleaning up, wearing nice clothes, eating sweet foods and spending time with your family is just beautiful... Couple all that with lights and fireworks... My kind of celebration!
These are my favourite things about Hindu, I think it's important to know about and have an understanding of others religions... For your own spiritual development, as well as to be able to celebrate Australia's diversity...
The Usborne Encyclopedia Of World Religions

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