Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Yesterday I went back to yoga after 3 long weeks off... Despite having full on muscle pain from body pump Monday, I persevered... Was rewarded when our yogi started with a chakra meditation, and the class felt less intense than usual which my muscles were thankful for...
I also received these cards yesterday, they aren't quite what I expected... They are yoga/Hindu hand positions to be used alongside meditation... I thought they were going to be chakra cards, more guided meditation, but they intrigue me! Marley and I were doing some poses last night, it was fun, but I definitely need to spend more time with them...

Work with what you got...

Last Thursday night we were invited to see Hot Brown Honey and there were a lot of take aways (seriously, you have time, go see it!) but one was about body image... All beautiful, talented women of colour on stage and all different shapes and sizes... Working and owning it... It made me think about my own attitude to my body which is mostly quite healthy, I honour my body and want it to be strong so I can have good mobility and a great human experience as long as I am on earth... But I definitely have days where I look down and think ugh... I think that working with what you got is a great motto... Be good to yourself, eat food that your body will thank you for, run, jump, lift heavy things, do yoga, Pilates, go for a swim, dance! Do whatever makes you feel good! Do something though, for your present and your future!
Women Who Run With The Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Crystals for motivation

I got this from a crystal page I follow, if anyone wants some help with motivation, these might help...


Haha, this is so true for me... Today a client told me how beautiful my skin is, I literally laughed it off and then thought she must need new glasses ðŸ˜‚😂😂
Might have to work on that one... 😅
Women Who Run With The Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Love... Relationships...

I saved this one for today, it's my tenth wedding anniversary, and it felt fitting... 12 years ago my husband and I got together, 2 years later we were married... The first time we spent together I knew he was my one... As much as there can be a one...
One thing that being married has taught me, is about the life/death/life cycle of relationships... It's not just about having times when you both make each other laugh all the time, show tenderness and intimacy, it is also about times you are so tired that neither of you can barely manage a word once the kids are in bed... I don't fight the times that we are both caught up in being humans with a lot on, because it always comes back to the touch, hours of talking and laughter... At either time I feel at peace within our relationship because I know it's ride or die, on a luxurious kid free overseas holiday or when the whole family has passed around a cold for three weeks and we would both rather be in bed on codeine...
It's very easy to hear about your friends new relationships, and it's all so on, it's all sex and dates outside of your postcode and so much time finding out all of that new information about someone... The thing about old relationships is, you have had that, and you still get moments of it, my husband still surprises me, we are still growing and changing together... Life doesn't just stop when you enter into a long relationship, you still have to hold that space to learn about who you love...
Women Who Run With The Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Trying to find your scent...

This is so true! I love this description, and I understand the feeling... Trying to find the clues and listen to the messages to send us in the right direction... We all have this spark, this access to messages, and if we miss them, we have to find them, if we lose our spark, we have to find it! We have to keep on looking until we have the right clues...
It reminds me about parenting, in those first years, you give up almost everything to do you best to give your child everything... Work, social life, your breasts in some cases, your freedom, but the older my kids get, the closer I get to being my self again... Not that I wasn't myself before, but it's impossible to give that much of your self to someone else, and have anything left for you at the end, I would say this of relationships in general... But with kids, eventually they need you less, you start daydreaming more, to remember what your personal goals were, and have a little more time to attain them, looking for those clues! All I can say is sniff around, see where it leads you... Listen to the messages you are shown... Follow your path...
Women Who Run With The Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Monday, April 4, 2016


I saw something on Instagram the other day, talking about how we raise our children, it said something along the lines of:
You raisin Drug addicts
Drug dealers
With felonies
I won't raise a child like that
Aside from it being a pretty judgemental post, it feels like it defeats the purpose of life to suggest that someone can't come back from any of those things... I have seen so many success stories of people who have been any or all of those labels? Who have come back and become awesome contributing members of society... I know no one hopes to have a child that faces adversity, sometimes you can't help it... And definitely shouldn't be judged for it! People who triumph over hard times are some of the strongest, and to write them off before giving them a chance feels like a disservice to humanity...
We should try to remember that even the people that make you the most uncomfortable are still people... Anything is possible...
Pic from mentalfloss.com

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Ice queen...

I have had sooooo many conversations over the years with women about closing down, being an ice queen, not entertaining feelings... And the further along the journey I have come, the clearer I see how damaging that can be...
What is the point of the human experience if not to experience it, feel it, move with it... If you are an ice queen and you value that in yourself, you have to question why? Why don't you want to feel? What is the source of that? Fear? Loss of control? The answers are going to set you on the path to freedom...


The last few reiki healings I have done, there have been Angels popping up... I had never really thought too much about them before my last trip to NYC when I felt compelled to get this book, which I put at the bottom of my reading pile when I returned home.. Just fished it out, hoping to make some time to learn more about them... In the very least, to identify them...

Do any of you have any Angel connections?