Sunday, May 8, 2016

crystals for a common cold...

Corrie563 added a new photo.
3 hrs

all one...

This book is always so timely... Last week my friend added a post to this page about being alone, the acceptance of being alone, and then I read this!
I am an introvert anyway, so being alone is always going to be something I love, but after having kids it has become THE biggest luxury!
We have had so much sickness these past weeks I toyed with the idea of running away to a hotel somewhere just to get some alone time... There has been very little meditation, almost no exercise, it has been a real struggle... And the minute I get that time to be all one, everything seems infinitely brighter!
Women Who Run With The Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes


All of this great talk about looking after ourselves, lately I have really sucked at this... And on top of that, some crazy family stuff, plus work, and running the Mother's Day stall at school... Overwhelmed tonight...
Just finished chanting and meditating on this card from my Mudras deck... I really didn't love this deck when I got it, but it is fast becoming my favourite thing!
Release... This hand position while chanting ommmmm... Now I'm ready for bed ☺️

crystals for headcold...

Corrie563 added a new photo.

mercury in retrograde...

Just going to go slow and steady through this one, checking everything twice! Until May 22...


It's so important that we take time to ourselves, it can be so very hard, especially if you have a family, busy job, lots of commitments, but these past few weeks of having a sick family has really driven it home for me...
My 'home' at this stage in my life is just shutting our bedroom door... Taking a minute to read, heal or play with my cards, going to a yoga class, in summer it can be as little as watering my garden... But I think that as my children grow, my needs will be more fully realised... I would love to go to a yoga retreat every year, and that's definitely something I will work towards when my husbands work is more secure and the children grow... But for now, moments alone will have to do!
Women Who Run With The Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes


A couple of years ago I read a book called Your Souls Plan, it was a game changer... Like every thought I ever had about reincarnation was all in one place...
When I read this quote, it makes me think about who I would have been had my Dad made the choice to live...
His death totally formed who I am, and pointed me on this path... I always wanted to help people, when I was little I wanted to be a psychologist, but without this trauma, and working through it, I wouldn't have this wealth of experience to draw from when seeing clients, at my day job or in my reiki practice... So I have him to thank for that... It also proves that there are different ways to deal with trauma... I always suggest going deep into your feelings about it, feel them, confront them, challenge them, learn from them... The worst thing to ever happen might just be the best thing that ever happened to your soul...

kids yoga

My kids love yoga, this is a great poster...


A story has broken about Nicki Minaj whose brother has just been done on child rape charges... I don't believe in the death penalty, but anyone who messes with children don't deserve life... It's not curable, I just can't understand why we would want child predators on our streets... Anyway, I digress... The thing is that Nicki is supporting her brother through this... And I have really mixed feelings about it...
I understand that we are supposed to support our family and friends through everything, but where is that line?
I never really had to think about it until this past year when a friend did something that goes against everything I believe in... I have had to really search my soul as to whether I could get past it and continue our friendship... Whether I can forgive someone who I loves actions, whether I can explain it away... So far it doesn't seem that I can... I can't let go of my convictions...
How about you? Can you forgive things that go against what you believe in?
This photo warms my heart, my son contemplating life while observing this piece of art...

sealskin, soulskin...

I swear this book has moments where it is do in tune with what is going on for me at that moment...
We have been sick on and off since Easter, this past week I have been really ill with a chest infection and laryngitis... I wouldn't normally take 3 days off work, but the dr suggested it and I ran with it, in my mind it would be 3 days while the kids were at school and Mark was at work and I could rest, selfishly just rest, no work calls, no cleaning... As luck would have it,both kids were off school this week on opposite days, so rest was minimal, obviously you have to take care of your family, and I always prioritise everyone else's needs over my own, despite being really sick...
Whenever life gets really human, I have that need... I need solitude, to read a book, do a healing or a reading, get back to my soul/spiritual self... So this was right on point to me after last week...
Women Who Run With The Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes

elixirs of light aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has always been something that I believe in, as a complimentary therapy... I have been following @elixersoflight for ages, and her products look beautiful... I finally made a purchase, thinking about my Piscean babies, and whether these Pisces blends could help ground them... Mark suffers blinding migraines, so I bought him the migraine blend too... And Jordan added in a delicious smelling lavender-lime lip balm! Good mail day today!

new chakra cards...

Ooooooh yeah... Just got these and am already in love! My teacher did a chakra reading for me and it was exactly what I needed at the time... Subsequently it has changed my life... Gave me the confidence to start this page for instance!
Looking forward to doing some chakra readings once I'm feeling 100%...


I have been pretty unwell this past few days... I was given three sick days to recover, which I would never usually take, but I have had nothing... So I have been mostly in bed, outside of parental responsibilities (how much easier is parenting when you don't have to fit in work as well!?!), and my son has been home with a cold, so we have been resting together... I thought I should get out one of my Mudras cards to use during my wellness meditation.. Have been giving myself reiki every night too... Anything to be well again!
This is Surrender, and I have to say, mediating on it, I felt really free... Free of my sickly body, responsibilities... Like I was flying... It was only a ten minutes meditation, but it felt like a holiday! Definitely need to use these cards more!

Day of innocents...

I have never celebrated or heard of The Day of The Innocents, but I think this sort of rite would be useful in today's society... The idea of time to spend with other women where they don't have to keep it together about losses of babies or children... It feels like now is a time that we don't talk about these things, we don't discuss miscarriages, and lost children and babies are grieved only for a short while and then it's put away... Like women are out of practise about how to grieve with their sisters, don't know what to say, so feel it is better to say nothing... I don't feel like that's the answer, I think support for these great losses should be ongoing, as the thoughts about them are...


This rings true to me... While my kids are given many things from family members, and they do save up their pocket money for toys, I want to give them lessons, and experiences... I want them to know about other cultures, and learn what they can do to leave the world in better state than they found it... I want them to learn self acceptance, to be gentle on themselves, and learn to love themselves for all of their strengths while working on their weaknesses... I want them to accept others for who they are, not what they can give them, and help raise others up in life...
All of this is why I was worried about ever having children... It feels like such a big undertaking... Especially with afternoons filled with homework, swimming, guitar practice, always trying to fit in meditation and visualisations before bed... I want them to be successful at the chosen career, but mostly I want them to be happy humans who are good to others...


Speaking about women who have endured famine... Without freedom to create, be fed spiritually, move through the world at her own pace, and finally being free, everything is so new and exciting, you get carried away! You see it in women who get out of bad relationships, or who have been told repeatedly that they aren't good enough, so they stay, but once they get a taste of freedom, things can get a bit crazy... Which can very easily lead back into bad situations...
Harder but more rewarding is to look at the reasons for the famine, the what's and the whys, to ensure that you never repeat the experience...
Women Who Run With The Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes


Definitely worth a read...
I want to tell you about them, because if you’re reading this, chances are you’re an empath too:
She doesn’t identify (put herself in their place and go through it as if she’s them); instead, she does something pretty incredible. This is advanced stuff!

body image

I don't remember when the ideals of what 'type' of body is beautiful were pushed upon me, but I remember when I was a teenager, all of those models in Girlfriend and Dolly magazine were so thin, and questioning whether at a size ten, I needed to lose weight... There was a lot of talk about weight and size, looking back it was such a waste of time, we were so young, and tiny! But it felt like we had to be talking about it... Our parents didn't talk to us about it, or notice the infatuation with thinness... I know now our kids have Instagram to provide us with thigh gaps, and unrealistic expectations of bodies, we already talk about our bodies, health and fitness, sometimes foods and that our bodies are about function rather than aesthetics... I wonder if it will make a difference...
Women Who Run With The Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Reiki 2

Although I have my Reiki 2 (practitioner), I was never sure when the right time would be to start practising beyond family and close friends... The universe has been pulling me towards it, sending me clients, so I wanted to get a better table (was using my husbands tattoo table!), so I did! Now taking appointments, working out of my home in Glen Waverley, am happy to travel locally...
Please message me if you are interested...